[Python] Terraform install (AI generated)

This the python version of the bash script discussed in a previous post

The script is designed to automate the installation and update process of Terraform (binary).
What does the script do:

  1. A log file is created with a timestamp in its name.
  2. The script checks if jq, a command-line JSON processor, is installed. If not, it installs jq.
  3. It fetches the latest version of Terraform from HashiCorp’s Checkpoint API.
  4. If Terraform is already installed, it compares the installed version with the latest version. If they differ, the script renames the old binary and highlights the change.
  5. The script then downloads the latest Terraform binary, unzips the downloaded file, and moves the new binary to the system location.
  6. Finally, it verifies the installation by printing the installed version of Terraform. All actions are logged.

Below Bash Code will install or update Terraform (File: install_terraform.sh)

This is AI generated code (based on sample input of the previous terraform.sh bash script)

Output (example) of this python script

See code in the gist for more info !