[Azure] Azure Cloudshell cheat sheet

AIX Azure Cloudshell cheat sheet

Azure Cheatsheet ( https://lzone.de/cheat-sheet/Azure)

List VMs + Public Ips and access with ssh (after that az login and aks get-credentials)

Goto Azure Cloudshell and get ip of the box.

0. Set default subscription if not correct (check with ‘az account list’ to see where “isDefault”: true,)

azureuser@jumpboxvm:~$ az account set –subscription “Devops100”

A. Get the list of VMs

devops100@Azure:~$ az vm list-ip-addresses –query “[].virtualMachine” -o table ResourceGroup Name

kv-egszkkcxxtqz pgbackupvm3 kv-egszkkcxxtqz jumpboxvm

B. Get the public IPs of the VMs

devops100@Azure:~$ az vm list-ip-addresses –query “[].virtualMachine.[name,network.publicIpAddresses[0].ipAddress]” –output table

Column1 Column2

devbackupvm3 devjumpboxvm

Ip adresses are static which means that after redeployment the same Public IP should be assigned (only if the same names are used for the resources, don’t change rg and vmname)

C. Login with ssh (only with ssh keys, provide a public key to Cloudadmin team before deployment)

devops100@server2 ~ $ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id-rsa-aix [email protected] The authenticity of host ‘ (’ can’t be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:XjOGUIqpOovwhTvk8vcRvMwco0NpH9c7Q6qeff/nPP4. ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:2f:4d:2a:84:3f:a7:7f:2d:2c:49:8b:34:d5:78:2a:62. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added ‘’ (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

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